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RYA courses we offer
From Theory to Reality
powerboat courses
At our lake in Lincoln, UK we offer -
RYA Level one - Power boat course (age 8 upwards - 1 day course)
RYA Level two - Powerboat course (age 12 upwards - national powerboat licence - 2 day course)
Pre entry assessments for the PBT scheme
Powerboat Instructor Courses
Further Powerboat training such as -
Intermediate Powerboat
Advanced Powerboat
Tender operators course
MCA Certificate of Competence
is available at other RYA TRAINING CENTRES worldwide and we are always happy to make an introduction - call/email us for details

PWC courses
PWC licence courses
PWC Instructors course

shore based courses
Essential navigation & seamanship
Day skipper
Yacht master
RYA First aid
Professional Practices & Responsibilities (PPR)

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